merge 2 sorted lists pythonmexican restaurant wiesbaden

29 Nov

Then l2 is the result. i.e. Write a Python program to check if a given element occurs at least n times in a list. The sorted list is then printed. Merge all the linked-lists into one sorted linked-list and return it. Found inside – Page 407The Java 8 API replaced merge sort with Timsort as the sort algorithm for lists of objects. Recall that merge sort recursively divides the array in half until there are two sequences of length 1. It then merges the adjacent sequences. The new list should be made by splicing together the nodes of the first two lists. With this handbook, you’ll learn how to use: IPython and Jupyter: provide computational environments for data scientists using Python NumPy: includes the ndarray for efficient storage and manipulation of dense data arrays in Python Pandas ... “merge two sorted lists python” Code Answer’s By Jeff Posted on September 16, 2021 In this article we will learn about some of the frequently asked TypeScript programming questions in technical like “merge two sorted lists python” Code Answer’s. Found insideOn the next level upwards, looking from left to right, the elements are sorted, although most are single elements: Moving up ... The next, and final, merge in this set of data would be: Step List 1 List 2 Merged list 1 [12, 18] [5, 9, ... Given a doubly linked list, write a function to sort the doubly linked list in increasing order using merge sort. Merge Sort is a popular Algorithm used for sorting. Python Server Side Programming Programming. Merging two sorted linked list is intuitive: every time choosing the node with a smaller value from two lists and … User must similarly enter the elements of the second list one by one. ; This algorithm is also a stable sorting algorithm just like the bubble sort, insertion sort, count sort, etc as any two-element with the same key appears in the same order in the sorted array as they appear in the initially given array. result.a... if head1 is None: return head2. Given two sorted linked lists, merge them without using extra space without modifying the links of the first list. Binit Bhagat October 3, 2021 at 12:13 am on Solution to Cyclic-Rotation by codility My Python snippet (87%) def solution(A, K): # write your code in Python 3.6 n = len(A) if K>n: K %= n fi = n-K... Binit Bhagat October 2, 2021 at 8:34 pm on Solution to Binary-Gap by codility Hi everyone! The l1 is empty. Look at the below code: def merge_lists (head1, head2): if head1 is None and head2 is None: return None. Scala Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution. The new list should be made by splicing together the nodes of the first two lists. Easy. Merge two sorted linked lists and return it as a new sorted list. The new list should be made by splicing together the nodes of the first two lists. The number of nodes in both lists is in the range [0, 50]. Both l1 and l2 are sorted in non-decreasing order. Take in the elements of the list one by one. from operator import attrgetter This way to merge lists in python can be handy to merge more than two lists as we just have to pass the input lists as parameters to itertools.chain() method. . * Treats LISP as a language for commercial applications, not a language for academic AI concerns. "LeetCode in Python" is a series where I explain all solutions to popular LeetCode problems. Merge two lists and then sort it in Python. 803 Discussions, By: votes. Reverse the elements in a list in Python by its index, To implement Stack using Two Queues in C++, How to swap two numbers without using third variable in C++, How to add color to Excel cells using Python, Get sorted file names from a directory by creation date in Python, How to Handle Missing Keys in Python Dictionary, How to pass an array to a function in Python. Merge two sorted lists. List_1 = [1,2,3,4,5] List_2 = [6,7,8,9,10] Above we have two list mentioned as List_1 (which contains numbers 1-5) and the second list is List_2 (which contains numbers 6-10) and now using ‘ + ‘ operator. 21. Merge Two Sorted Lists; Problem Statement. "With Python Tricks: The Book you'll discover Python's best practices and the power of beautiful & Pythonic code with simple examples and a step-by-step narrative."--Back cover. Leetcode Question no. Sample Solution: Python Code: from heapq import merge nums1 = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11] nums2 = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10] print("Original sorted lists:") print(nums1) print(nums2) print("\nAfter merging the said two sorted lists:") print(list(merge(nums1, nums2))) Sample Output: Problem Statement. Merge Sorted Arrays. mergeLists has the following parameters: The original list 1 is : [1, 5, 6, 9, 11] The original list 2 is : [3, 4, 7, 8, 10] The combined sorted list is : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] Method #3 : Using heapq.merge() Python also offers the inbuilt function to perform this particular task and performs the similar working in background as merge in naive method and should be used when wanting to deal with this kind of problem. 4) While (a != NULL and b != NULL) a) Find the larger of two (Current 'a' and 'b') b) Insert the larger value of node at the front of result list. This algorithm follows a recursive approach to obtain the desired result. The rest of the function (lines 11–31) is responsible for merging the two smaller sorted lists into a larger sorted list.
Discussions. Found inside – Page 330The no-nonsense, beginner's guide to programming, data science, and web development with Python 3.7, 2nd Edition ... The first step is to divide the list into two parts, sort them, and merge the results back into one sorted list. Merge two sorted linked lists and return it as a new sorted list. 4. Complete the mergeLists function in the editor below. i.e. Example refers to refers to . the head pointer is used to retain the head of the merged linked list. Found inside – Page 64The two ingredients necessary are the sorting algorithm and the searching algorithm. Python lists have a built-in sorting algorithm that uses Tim sort. Tim sort can sort through a list in O(n) ... In the for loop append each number to the list. Merge two sorted linked lists and return it as a sorted list. For instance, let us see an example, Above we have two list mentioned as List_1(which contains numbers 1-5) and the second list is List_2(which contains numbers 6-10) and now using ‘ + ‘ operator we will combine the two and assign it into the third list which will be named as List_3, You can also use the extend Keyword to merge 2 List which changes one of the List as shown below that is List_1’s elements all got appended to the List_2 which changes the List_2 which will be reflected as we print the List_3. The new list should be made by splicing together the nodes of the first two lists. Found insideEntire list can be printed by just using the name of the list. l = ['Able', 'was', 'I', 'ere', 'I', 'saw', 'elbA'] print(l) ... return sorted list, lst remains unchanged # deletion del(lst[3]) # delete 3rd item in the list del(lst[2:5]) ... The following steps are followed in a recursive manner to perform Merge Sort and avail the appropriate results: Find the middle element required to divide the original array into two parts. To practice all Python programs, here is complete set of 150+ Python Problems and Solutions. It is one of the fastest algorithm to sort a given list or arrays. Python: Combine two given sorted lists using heapq module Last update on April 27 2021 12:50:16 (UTC/GMT +8 hours) Python heap queue algorithm: Exercise-20 with Solution Found inside... can be achieved with the Python list comprehensions: >>> print ( [each for each in range(1,51) if each%2==0 ] ) [2, 4, ... Solution: # merge two sorted lists list1 = [1,3,7,10,14,20,25,28,100,104] list2 = [4,8,11,23,26,90,93] list3 ... Now let us see how * operator can be used to combine different lists in python. Found inside – Page 1519 Mergesort Aim: To sort list of elements using merge sort. Program: def merge_sort(array): ret = [] if(len(array) == 1): return array; half = len(array) // 2 lower = merge_sort(array[:half]) upper = merge_sort(array[half:]) lower_len ... Merging two sorted list In Merge sort, is not an in-place sorting algorithm because it does require n different array or data structure to perform its operations. >>> l2 = [0, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9] Initialise an empty list lst = []. The + operator can join the elements of two lists into one. 1 view. Merging Sorted Linked Lists by Creating a New List. DescriptionHello everyone! 5. For example, the following doubly linked list should be changed to 24810. The approach to implementing the merge sort algorithm comes in two parts. User must enter the number of elements for the first list and store it in a variable. The time complexity of merging two sorted sub-arrays each of length n is 2n. Now, at least, one node is appended to our result, so one head should be incremented There is a slight flaw in ghoseb's solution, making it O(n**2), rather than O(n). Write a python program to merge two lists and sort it take input from the user? pa = 0 Here you have to first append the list and then pass the combined list as an argument of the sorted() function.

Merge Two Sorted Lists | Python Fiddle. In this tutorial, we will learn about writing a Python program to merge two lists and then sort it, This tutorial may also be helpful while working on multiple lists. 4. Your email address will not be published. After merging, the linked list is still in order. Add to List. The sort function then sorts the list in ascending order. Operate on lists of lists with nested list comprehensions: Write a Python program to find the maximum and minimum values in a given list within specified index range. User must similarly enter the elements of the second list one by one. The program takes two lists, merges them and sorts the merged list. Found insideThis time complexity makes merge sort one of the most ecient sorting algorithms. All modern programming languages come with sorting built in – for example, Python lists can be sorted just by typing .sort() at the end of the list name, ... Now merge sort is a really clever algorithm that relies on an interesting property of sorted lists. 41. For example, you can add a string “Hey” and another string “there!” to form a new string “Hey there!”. ; Divide the original list into two halves in a recursive manner, until every sub-list contains a single element. Top-down Implementation.

This book serves as guide to prepare for interviews, exams, and campus work. It is also available in Java. In short, this book offers solutions to various complex data structures and algorithmic problems. Question — Merge Two Sorted Lists: Merge two sorted linked lists and return it as a new list. Found inside – Page 282Note that Python's list type is implemented as an array, not a linked list. (See Chapter 2.) Merge sort. The archetypal divide-and-conquer algorithm. It divides the sequence to be sorted in the middle, sorts the two halves recursively, ... Now add / merge / concatenate two lists lst + lst2. Merge both the lists using the ‘+’ operator and then sort the list. User must then enter the elements of the list one by one using a for loop and store it in a list. The ‘+’ operator is then used to merge both the lists. Get code examples like"merge two sorted lists python". - 21 Problem name - Merge Two Sorted Lists Instructions Create a new folder for your script and file/folder name should be appropriate. Lists in Python. creates two node pointers head and tail. Seems amazing…isn’t it Let’s see. Merge sort for singly linked list is already discussed. Powered by GitBook. ‘mergesort ()’ function is where we implement the sorting technique. Found insideInterdisciplinary Problems, Principles, and Python Programming Jessen Havill. This merge algorithm is implemented by the following function. 1 def merge(left, right, merged): 2 “““Merge two sorted lists, left and right, into one sorted ... we will combine the two and assign it into the third list which will be named as List_3. Python allows merging just by using ‘ + ‘ operator as any number of lists can be merged using this operator. We are going to merge both lists, so the list size doesn’t matter. list1 = [1,2,3,4,5] list2= [10,20,30,40,50,60] print(sorted(list1 + list2)) Output. Merge Two Sorted Lists. Function Description. Found inside – Page 56... ("Parallel mergesort : %f sec ' 9% (elapsed)) mergeWrap (AandB): a , b = Aand B return merge (a, b) merge Sort Parallel (lyst , n = 3): nump roc = 2 + k n #default 8 sub lists to sort . endpoints = | int (x) for x in linspace (0, ... >>> l1.ext... Found inside – Page 73Let's try choosing the right algorithm to sort the historical database. We can safely rule out bubble sort as the size of the data is huge. Shell sort will perform better, but only if we have partially sorted lists. So, merge sort may ... # Function to in-place merge two sorted lists `X` and `Y`. In Python, concatenation can be performed on numbers, strings and elements of a list. You might think that alternatively taking elements from the two sorted lists and putting it together will produce one single sorted list. here is complete set of 150+ Python Problems and Solutions, Prev - Python Program to Put Even and Odd elements in a List into Two Different Lists, Next - Python Program to Swap the First and Last Value of a List, Python Program to Find the Union of two Lists, Python Program to Put Even and Odd elements in a List into Two Different Lists, Python Program to Find the Intersection of Two Lists, Python Program to Sort the List According to the Second Element in Sublist, Python Program to Map Two Lists into a Dictionary, Python Program to Sort a List According to the Length of the Elements, Python Program to Find the Second Largest Number in a List Using Bubble Sort, C Program to Input Few Numbers & Perform Merge Sort on them using Recursion. Python Leetcode Array 118. © 2011-2021 Sanfoundry. Merge two sorted linked lists and return it as a new list. Found inside – Page 160If the list is of length 0 or 1, it is already sorted. 2. If the list has more than one element, split the list into two lists, and use merge sort to sort each of them. 3. Merge the results. The key observation made by von Neumann is ... This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. Analysis: The solution is straight forward. Discussions. You’ll learn the latest versions of pandas, NumPy, IPython, and Jupyter in the process. Written by Wes McKinney, the creator of the Python pandas project, this book is a practical, modern introduction to data science tools in Python. Found inside – Page 41MyList = MakeList([1,2,3,4,5]) 11. display(MyList) Output: 1 2 3 4 5 2.2 Question 15 – How will you merge two sorted lists? Based on the fundamentals given above, you should be able to answer this question. Problem statement You are ... Now merging these sublists by sorting them and finally the main list is sorted. What is the difficulty level of this exercise? Write more code and save time using our ready-made code examples. Demonstrates the programming language's strength as a Web development tool, covering syntax, data types, built-ins, the Python standard module library, and real world examples. Problem. Here is source code of the Python Program to merge two lists and sort it. The new list should be made by splicing together the nodes of the first two lists. Found inside – Page 49Therefore, using the variable newL as if it was a (sorted) list, for example, as print(newL[0]) causes an error: ... a new object: L.count(2) # returns 1 3.1.5 Merging lists ‒ zip A particularly useful function for lists is zip. Merging two Lists in Python: We can simply merge two lists using + operator like below. Note: You may assume that nums1 has enough space (size that is greater or equal to m + n) to hold additional elements from nums2. if h2 is None: First, take the total number for the first list from the user. Merge sort for singly linked list is already discussed. from datetime import datetime In this program, the ‘merge (); function merges two single linked lists. Description of the figure and source code can be found here . The fi... 3. This will be the sorted list. Merge Two Sorted Lists. The key to solve the problem is defining a fake head. The new list should be constructed by joining the nodes of the input lists. Let's first see how we can merge two linked lists by creating a new list. Next: Write a Python program to check if a given element occurs at least n times in a list. Then we apply the sorted function which will sort the elements of the final list created with this combination. mid = len(ar_list) // 2 Screen cast of programming the Merge Sort algorithm in Python. . Easy. Print the resultant list of the above operation. A list is exactly what it sounds like: a container for various Python objects such as integers, words, values, and so on. The following steps are followed in a recursive manner to perform Merge Sort and avail the appropriate results: Find the middle element required to divide the original array into two parts. Contribute your code (and comments) through Disqus. Take in the number of elements for the first list and store it in a variable. 3. Pascal's Triangle 119. That’s the problem. Iterative Approach for Merge Two Sorted Linked Lists. Example 1: Input: N = 4, M = 3 valueN[] = {5,10,15,40} valueM[] = {2,3,20} Output: 2 3 5 10 15 20 40 Explanation: After merging the two linked lists, we have merged list as 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40. Implement the solution in Python and see if your code runs successfully! Found inside – Page 897.1 Merge two sorted lists Consider two singly linked lists in which each node holds a number. Assume the lists are sorted, i.e., numbers in the lists appear in ascending order within each list. The merge of the two lists is a list ... Similarly, take in the elements for the second list also. Found inside – Page 328The first step is to divide the list into two parts, sort them, and merge the results back into one sorted list. Let me give you a simple example with six numbers. Imagine we have a list, v=[8, 5, 3, 9, 0, 2]. The first step would be to ... ... Heres the recursive python 2 / 3 solution I … L.sort() 2. 0. # invariant: `X` and `Y` are sorted at any point. 111. while pa < len(a) and pb < len(b): 6. Sort . The key word of course is 'merge', so we are referring to bringing two lists together. Conceptually, a merge sort works as follows : First, divide the unsorted list into n sublists, each containing 1 element (a list of 1 element is considered sorted). When it is required to merge two lists and sort them, a method can be defined that sorts the list using ‘sort’ method. We will populate these lists by taking the inputs from the user. Current problem is the generic case of the same problem. def merge_sort(a,b): I personally find this operator very useful. call the merge_sort() function for every half recursively. 1. Java Solution. Display the elements in the sorted list. For example, the following doubly linked list should be changed to 2<->4<->8<->10. Found inside – Page 133An Introduction to Computer Science and Python Programming John S. Conery. 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 from PythonLabs.RecursionLab import print_msort_brackets 2 from heapq import merge 3 4 def msort(a): 5 "Sort list a using the merge sort ... Analysis: The idea is relative simple, add one list into the other. Merge Sort can be used to sort an unsorted list or to merge two sorted lists. The idea is to split the unsorted list into smaller groups until there is only one element in a group. Then, group two elements in the sorted order and gradually build the size of the group. Editorial. Then choose the head of the merged linked list by comparing the first node of both linked lists. 6 years ago + 47 comments. Exit. Java: 0 ms simple iterative solution. 3. 1. The data in both lists will be sorted in … Write more code and save time using our ready-made code examples. Found insideExamples of recursive algorithms are binary search, merge sort, quick sort, etc. Merge Given two sorted lists a1 and a2,. FIGURE 14.4 An example of selection sort Illustration 15.1: Write a program to implement a stack. 2) Let 'a' and 'b' be the heads of first and second list respectively. Mark As Completed Discussion. Merge both the lists using the ‘+’ operator and then sort the list. Merge two sorted linked lists and return it as a new list. Your email address will not be published. # already in the correct order; otherwise, swap it with the next smaller. The real deal ... that the best way to merge 2 sorted lists together into a new sorted list is to just append them and re-sort. Fixed version: from collections import deque def merge_sorted_lists(left, right): """ … Found inside – Page 107of the two sorted sublists are copied, in O(n) time, to a new list. Then the sorted list is copied back into the original sequence, again in O(n) time. In the merge function, the first while loop takes care of merging the two sublists ... Example: Input: 1->2->4, 1->3->4. 2.
3) Reverse both the lists. 00:11 You can merge two sorted lists into one bigger sorted list just by including the elements from both, and you can actually do that in order of n time— that is, in as many operations as there are elements in the sum of those two sorted lists. Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python, ... Merge two sorted linked lists Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures Using Python Python for Developers . The following tool visualize what the computer is doing step-by-step as it executes the said program: Have another way to solve this solution? Next, we have the ‘insert ()’ … The list should be made by splicing together the nodes of the first two lists. Merge Two Sorted Lists in Python def __init__(self, dt): Algorithm. Let Us Python With this book, you will: Solve a particular coding problem or improve on the performance of an existing solution Quickly locate algorithms that relate to the problems you want to solve, and determine why a particular algorithm is the right ... Required fields are marked *. Merge two sorted linked lists, is a HackerRank problem from Linked Lists subdomain. Found inside – Page 245growth of sort as a function of the number of elements in the list . ) Therefore , merging two sorted lists is linear in the length of the lists . Figure 12-5 contains an implementation of the merge sort algorithm . def merge ( left ... If we use the same logic concerning two lists, we need to find a partition in such a way that the number from both the list to the left of the partition is smaller, while the number to the right of the partition is bigger. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, 2nd Edition: ... Merging of two lists done as follows: The first element of both lists is compared. Here we have given two linked lists that are sorted in increasing order, and we need to merge them into one list, which will also be in increasing order. Merge the two ordered lists and return the new list. Once the mergeSort function is invoked on the left half and the right half (lines 8–9), it is assumed they are sorted. 42. Found inside – Page 676join() method (str type), 58–61 changing single characters with, 145 join() method (Thread class), 486 JSON (JavaScript Object ... key argument (sorted() function), 23 KeyboardInterrupt exception, 577,578 keys() method (dictionaries), ... Long story short, unless len(l1 + l2) ~ 1000000 use: L = l1 + l2 template. Merge two sorted linked lists and return it as a new list. Given two sorted linked lists, write a function that takes in the two lists and output a merged sorted linked in containing the elements from the … Python. Problem Description. The book's five chapters cover tips and tricks, regular expressions, machine learning, core data science topics, and useful algorithms. Merge two sorted linked lists. Maintain a head and a tail pointer on the merged linked list. - 21 Problem name - Merge Two Sorted Lists Instructions Create a new folder for your script and file/folder name should be appropriate. The program output is also shown below. The text covers accessing and using remote servers via the command-line, writing programs and pipelines for data analysis, and provides useful vocabulary for interdisciplinary work. Consider the following conditions: 1. Get code examples like"merge two sorted list in python". "More and more programmers are turning to Python and this book will give them the understanding they need. Necaise introduces the basic array structure and explores the fundamentals of implementing and using multi-dimensional arrays. Peeling Data Structures and Algorithms for (Java, Second Edition): * Programming puzzles for interviews * Campus Preparation * Degree/Masters Course Preparation * Instructor's * GATE Preparation * Big job hunters: Microsoft, Google, Amazon, ... Test your Python skills with w3resource's quiz. New. Suppose our given two lists are Take in the number of elements for the first list and store it in a variable. This is a Python Program to merge two lists and sort it. self.dt =... Either head pointer may be null meaning that the corresponding list is empty. from itertools import chain 4. Simple Explanation. This is a very wrong idea. You can use the python inbuild function sorted() for sorting the two combine lists. Slides and additional exercises (with solutions for lecturers) are also available through the book's supporting website to help course instructors prepare their lectures.

Python's sort implementation "timsort" is specifically optimized for lists that contain ordered sections. Plus, it's written in C. http://bugs.p... Let's first dry run the algorithm to see how we can merge two sorted linked list with the help of a new list. Merge two sorted linked lists and return it as a new list. The ‘+’ operator is then used to merge both the lists. Found inside – Page 68Let's start by creating a simple merge sort function that works only on lists that have two or fewer elements . ... The following Python function accomplishes what we need : import math def mergesort_two_elements ( cabinet ) ... Given two sorted integer arrays nums1 and nums2, merge nums2 into nums1 as one sorted array. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. Solution Breakdown. Merge Sort Algorithm. deepakchaurasiya101 created at: 3 days ago | No replies yet. We have dealt with a more specific case of this problem in the post LeetCode #21 - Merge Two Sorted Lists. a = [1,3,4,9] b = [2,5,7,8] On merging the two lists as discussed above this is what we get: [1,2,3,5,4,7,9,8] Merge Sort Algorithm. The total item count for both lists can be different. facebook. 2) Merge two sorted lists Example: Input: list1: {20, 10, 40, 30, 50} list2: {90, 60, 50, 70, 80} Output: List1 elements are 20 10 40 30 50 list2 elements are 90 60 50 70 80 //sorting the lists List1 (sorted) elements are 10 20 30 40 50 List2 (sorted) elements are 50 60 70 80 90 Merged list elements are 10 20 30 40 50 50 60 70 80 90 This will be the sorted list. Improve your coding skills with our library of 300+ challenges and prepare for coding interviews with content from leading technology companies. Pascal's Triangle II ... 21.Merge Two Sorted Lists. Let us see why.

Merge Dictionaries in Python 3.9+ Python introduced a new way to merge dictionaries in Python 3.9, by using the merge operator |.Merging two dictionaries with the merge operator is likely the fastest and cleanest way to merge two dictionaries. The two lists are concatenated using the ‘+’ operator. It is assigned to a variable. The sort method is used to sort the final result. Outside the method, two lists are defined, and displayed on the console. The method is called by passing these two lists. Submissions. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Found inside – Page 158... Algorithms Using Python and C# Rod Stephens. Heap 1 Heap 2 15 48 24 63 16 76 28 56 83 74 93 58 78 Figure 5.14: The goal is to merge these two heaps. ... The trees in the merged list shown in Figure 5.15 are sorted by their orders. Found inside – Page 1510 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 def merge(K, L): 2 """Merge two sorted lists into a new sorted list. 3 For example, merge([1, 4], ... input lists are empty. A Python implementation of this merging procedure is given in Algorithm 1.3. The first part will conduct the divide component of … Execute the below lines of code and see the output. In the merge sort implementation, we follow the below steps: The recursive approach of implementing the merge sort, def mergeSort(ar_list): I believe that the O(n log k) algorithm is merge sort. Merge sort algorithm is a divide and conquer algorithm, where the main unsorted list is divided into 2 halves and each of the halves is again divided into 2 halves until only single element is left in the list. Repeatedly merge sublists to produce newly sorted sublists until there is only 1 sublist remaining. Since merging happens at each level during the way out, the time complexity is O ( n ) * (number of levels) i.e log ( n ). With + and sorted. Previous: Write a Python program to find the maximum and minimum values in a given list within specified index range. Merge two sorted linked lists and return it as a new list. This is simply merging. Treat each list as if it were a stack, and continuously pop the smaller of the two stack heads, adding the item to the resu... The new list should be made by splicing together the nodes of the first two lists. We strongly recommend to minimize your browser and try this yourself first.

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